

Odyssey Habano premium cigars are an affordable offering from the General Cigar Company that will appeal to all manner of aficionado that comes into your cigar store. General Cigar Company is responsible for famous brands like Partagas, La Gloria Cubana, and Cohiba, and Odyssey Habano cigars are just as good as those more costly options without any of the frills. Built with top-notch construction and offered in five popular vitolas, these gems feature aged long fillers and binder tobaccos from the best growing regions of Nicaragua surrounded by a top-quality Habano wrapper. Perfectly balanced, Odyssey Habano emits a rich medium-bodied smoke loaded with flavors of leather, spice, earth, and tobacco sweetness that frugal aficionados both seasoned and novice can enjoy. Suggest these gems to shoppers who are looking for something to stuff in their humidors, or to those seeking top-notch smokes that will not cost them an arm and a leg. Shipped fast and fresh to your shop in bundles of 20, order Odyssey Habano cigars today at the best wholesale prices on the web right here with Santa Clara Cigars.
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