Retailer Corner Edition No. 6

The premium cigar industry, much like other industries, is constantly changing and evolving. Adult cigar consumers over the last 20 years have become more knowledgeable about cigars  by accessing information via the internet like Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 list, which has allowed the public to learn at their leisure. As adult consumers became more knowledgable,  their flavor profile and preferences became broader. Thirty years ago, the average adult cigar consumer usually smoked the same brand each time they lit up. Today, we see adult consumers more interested in variety and trying new cigars. As a result of this change, we’ve seen the emergence and success of boutique cigar companies.

Boutique cigars are made by smaller cigar companies, whose products typically appeal to a narrower group of adult cigar smokers with a more sophisticated knowledge and taste. This group is often more informed about the cigar making process, and they follow industry trends and new products more closely than the average adult consumer. While boutique cigar smokers might be a smaller group, they often consume and purchase more cigars than the average adult cigar smoker, which in turn means  more boutique growth and success.. As a result, to stay competitive, it is imperative for retailers to broaden the choice and diversity of brands they offer.

Santa Clara’s vast and diverse selection of cigars includes many boutique brands from around the world. Some of these great boutique brands are from such manufacturers  as Cornelius & Anthony, La Palina, Crowned Heads, Espinosa Cigars, Caldwell Cigars, Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust and Foundation Cigars. These companies are constantly innovating with their unique blends, exciting packaging and a consistent marketing presence via social media. The reason why you should consider carrying these boutique brands is that adult cigar smokers have more retail options than ever before with the influx of new brick and mortar stores, and the emergence of new cigar retail websites every year. So  to maximize your sales and stay competitive we recommend you offer products that appeal to all adult cigar smoker profiles. By limiting your shelf space to only familiar brands, you will also limit your number of customers.

At Santa Clara Cigars we strive to provide the best advice and support for our retail partners regarding the many different cigar brands that exist in the marketplace. To see a full list of all brands and lines, please check out the following section of our Santa Clara Cigars website: